Group Presentation


The Oahu Baptist Institute Theology Class is holding their finals in the form of a group presentation on Thursday, April 30, 2020 at 6pm through Zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting - click here or
cut-paste this link to your web browser.
Meeting ID: 480 792 938

Dr. Mcquitty and I would like to invite you to attend and participate.  As a viewer, you will have the opportunity to extend encouragement and feedback to all students.  Others of you will have an opportunity to grade the students on their group report.

The goal of the report and the class is to prepare each student to teach in the field of their ministry and contextualize the materials they have learned.  The following metrics will be used to grade the report:
  1. Content (25%).  
  2. Transcript (25%)
  3. PowerPoint slides (25%)
  4. Presentation  (25%)
The students have worked hard over the past 15 weeks to come up and learn basic Christian theology. Your presence will truly be appreciated.

Please don’t hesitate to call me if you have any questions.

In His Service,
Bong Abagon
(Co-teacher, Theology Class)


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